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Classroom Schedules

The classroom schedules do change based on student needs, weather conditions, etc.  You can request a copy of the current class schedules by sending an email to us


Generally, the classes are held as follows:


30 hr. online classes: held via Zoom on Saturday and Sunday mornings from 9-11 am; sometimes they are taught on Friday nights from 6-8 pm as well.

The Parent and Student class is NOT offered online; that class must be taken in person at the driving school. 


30 hr. in person classes: held on Monday and Thursday nights form 630-830 pm.  They may also be taught on Wednesday nights from 630-830 pm.


8 hr. Safe Driving Practices Class:

This is taught in person only.  


Teens: Three Tuesday nights from 630-830 pm; one Thursday night (Parent and Student class) 630-830 pm.


Adults: Four (4) Tuesday nights from 6:30-8:30 pm.  

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